Damn! The atmosphere was hot and tense during our tv commercial shoot. For some reason, the cameraman couldn't keep a sharp focus on the basketball player who was doing dunk shots. After the nth take, the director got pissed, shouted expletives in the vernacular (?!*#??) then threw his microphone at the tv monitor!
What is it about basketball that makes men go ballistic? Fouls result in bad behavior. Wrong calls end in fist fights. And now, even shooting an action-packed basketball scene drives advertising directors crazy!
Must be the free flow of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for physical energy. The very substance that drives a man to 'lose it'.
Ironically, it's the same one that pushes him to win. :-)(Left to right) Basketball players / advertising models Ram Sagad and Marx Topacio show us some hardcourt attitude.
The Basketball Be@rbrick (top, left) is from the Nike Bearforce One Series, a promotional set of 10 that was released in 2003. Through the years, Nike has been regularly producing Be@rbricks to boost sales. Fortunately, their designs are quite imaginative and clever, unlike some promoters who simply slap on their logo on the bear. Nice job, Nike! :-)
testosterone is intoxicating and maddening and unmanageable.
Hi, Warrior Scout! Thanks for dropping by... and by the way, congratulations! :-)
I notice you don't have much be@rbrick series? You dont collect much be@rbrick series?
Any comments on the latest series 14?
Hi, Johnybravo,
Yes, I do collect Be@rbrick Series. In fact, I have thirteen pieces from Series 14, which include some rare secret ones. My favorite from Series 14 is the Otokomae Secret Be@rbrick.
But usually, I don't write about them as a series – because I feel each one has a unique story to tell. :-)
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