pretty pleasing in pink

Since I make a lot of sales/advertising/creative pitches myself, I scoured the Internet for pics of men in pink, so I could get an idea of what shade that might be. Check them out:

Pop Group in Pink: Japanese boy band Arashi during their Around Asia Tour 2008.
Prickly in Pink: Sprockettes (All-Ladies Mini Bike Dance Troup) tees look cool on angry-looking guys.
Pumped-up in Pink: Wrestler Dave Batista at WWE's Diva of the Year 2009 (where he did a "Kenya West").
Prisoners in Pink: Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio introduced pink fashion to disgruntled inmates.
Baby pink, medium pink or hot pink? Which shade made you like (or trust) the wearer more?
The way I see it, any pink shirt can make a tough guy look tame, and a hardened criminal appear harmless.
But beware, it can make guys look downright silly, too!
(Top Pic) The pink Fujio Akatsuka Bearbrick was created by the Beams retail chain in Japan to promote Mangart Beams T, the new line of Manga-inspired Tees at their concept shop in Daikanyama, Tokyo.
The bear is based on the Iyami character created by Fujio Akatsuka (1935-2008), a famous Japanese manga artist. You can check out his official website here.
Bearbrick pic by Yours Truly / Other pics from,,,,,,,