Tuesday, November 27, 2007

electric shock!

I usually sleep while my driver weaves his way through the daily traffic. However, last Monday, I found myself keenly observing the street life along our route. It must have been the two cups of coffee I had for breakfast.

There were the usual elements of my morning ride – busy roads, crowded sidewalks, etc. Nothing extraordinary.

Until I saw a dead cat lying on a pavement, its legs stiff and outstretched.

The poor thing had a puddle of blood under its head, suggesting that it fell from above. So I looked up to see where that could be.

I saw an electrical post, with multiple wires that crisscrossed like spider webs, much like the ones on the right. The kitty probably suffered a high-voltage surge before it crashed to the ground!

As we drove on, I was shocked to see countless identical posts along the way. Tall, grotesque structures – what eyesores! How come I never noticed how they looked before?

Then an old saying came to mind: "What you see everyday, you no longer see."

In fact, it took a dead cat for me to realize how badly some communities need a safer and more modern electrical infrastructure. I wonder what it will take for local authorities to wake up and see this problem. 100,000 volts, perhaps?

(Top, left) The Series 4 Horror Be@rbrick, released in 2002, was the first 'glow-in-the-dark' Bearbrick ever released.


Anonymous said...

1. you have your own driver? crazy!

2. do you know of any decent vinyl toy forums/boards? all the ones i've found are halfdead with the exception of kidrobot which isn't that much alive either...

bearbricklove.com said...

Jake, LOL, having a driver helped me to curse less on the road.

Kidrobot is probably the best there is when it comes to vinyl toy forums in the English language. I am not aware if there's a better one... :-)

Anonymous said...

i thought the only peeps who had there own personal driver were like movie stars or CEO's haha.

bearbricklove.com said...

Jake, where I come from, personal drivers are more common I guess. But most of them don't wear formal uniforms like in Hollywood movies. :-)

Unknown said...

i was gonna comment on the driver thing too. but i now love driving- never used to.
seeing something everyday with new eyes... sounds like a heavenly place to be.

bearbricklove.com said...

Yup, there's always something new to discover, Warrior Scout. We only have to open our eyes a bit wider. :-)

lil lam said...

i stumbled on your blog by accident as i was searching for the watermelon be@rbrick.

great blogs and comic strip. my chihuahua looks just like yours by the way ! :)

bearbricklove.com said...

Thanks, Lil Lam. You know, I've been looking for the Watermelon Bearbrick, too! Let me know when you find one... :-)

McDreamer said...

I find it funny that almost all of the comments were about "the driver", and none for the electrical infrastructure... hahahaha... the truth is, it will take decades to have those things modernized. In front of my house are gazillions of wires and some were cut off. I reported it to the "authorities" several times, but they were never repaired...

bearbricklove.com said...

Mcdreamer: LOL, I should write more stories about my driver then – he's a hit! ;-)